Winter Writing Update – The Pop-top Beer Can and Jimmy’s Hat

I’m taking this blog in a slightly different direction and providing two writing samples for you to enjoy or pan. The Pop-top Beer Can The Pop-top Beer Can grew out of a short message to a friend. I’ve expanded it here to almost flash-fiction length. It hasn’t been edited and is still pretty rough. But … Read more

Publication News!

After writing creatively for two years, I’m happy to have my first blog with the title Publication News. My short story, The Re-creation of Sahmik Ghee, will appear in the 2020 RMFW Wild Anthology. If you just can’t wait a year for the fall 2020 publication date, read through to the end of this blog … Read more

A Summer of Space, Brains, and Writing

At the keyboard

I’ve been writing! In The Re-creation of Sahmik Ghee, a future arctic hunter on a distant planet meets an untimely death. His partner must find a way to bring him back and hold him to his contract. This short story is based on the classic poem The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert W. Service. … Read more

DNA, Facial Recognition, and Notre Dame

I’ve been a writer for 18 months. Where’s my novel? You faithful blog followers deserve an explanation! While my novels are still a future dream, that doesn’t mean I’m idle. Read on to hear about my short stories, poetry, and topics I monitor for future story ideas. Rogan’s Drone and Sam McGee I’ve been creating … Read more

Short Story: The Timesmith

New writers (and even experienced ones) sometimes stare at a blank page or empty text window waiting for inspiration to strike. Many techniques exist to help overcome writers’ block. Today, I’m using something called a writing prompt. According to, a “writing prompt is a brief passage of text (or sometimes an image) that provides … Read more

A Poem: The Thompson River Flows

After retiring from the software industry, I decided to boot a second career as a creative writer. This didn’t seem that difficult. I had extensive technical writing experience, and I took college-level creative writing classes while at University of Michigan. How hard could it be? Turns out, I’ve forgotten everything I’ve learned about writing stories … Read more