About Paul

About Paul

Paul is an award-winning science fiction author, technology blogger, and former punk rock drummer. Along with Linda Ditchkus, he is the editor of the 2024 RMFW anthology, Without Brakes, Fingers Crossed. His stories are published or forthcoming at Uncharted Magazine, Amazing Stories, Creepy Podcast, Punk Noir Magazine, and Magnets&Ladders. His flash fiction piece, “More Than Electric Sheep,” placed first in Uncharted Magazine’s AI Flash Challenge, and he placed second in the 2022 Roswell Awards with “Dr. Harriet Hartfeld’s Home for Aging AIs.” Other stories by Paul appear in Joy to the Worlds, First Encounters, Second Law, and the RMFW anthology Wild: Uncivilized Tales. He is a member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and SpecFicWriters.com.

At age six, he saw 2001: A Space Odyssey on the big screen, which led him to a collection of Clarke’s short stories—and a lifelong insatiable appetite for mind-bending science fiction. Paul’s edgy, techno-smart stories were influenced by his career as a virtual reality software developer and the time he spent drumming for punk and alternative bar bands. He puts his protagonists in bad situations, then makes sure they end up worse off.

He earned a General Studies degree from the University of Michigan and pursues many hobbies and interests. He has authored books on programming, holds a data compression patent, and was co-recipient of an R&D 100 award. Like all true nerds, he runs his own web server. He recently learned to read braille and can solve a tactile Rubik’s Cube. He has a life-long interest in music. He has ripped his entire vinyl collection to MP3, recorded his own original digital compositions, and played drums since childhood. Recently, he learned piano. He has traveled the world to view multiple total solar eclipses. Other interests include linguistics, philosophy, genetics, cosmology, and the visual arts.

Paul is blind from retinitis pigmentosa. He blogs at AppleVis.com, a website for vision impaired Apple users. His poem, The Thompson River Flows, placed first in the 2018 National Braille Press poetry contest.

You’ll find Paul in Colorado, sipping coffee while the snow sublimates. He is still trying to teach his cat to play drums.