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Cover of Without Brakes, Fingers Crossed. A man dangles over an abyss with mountains in the background.

Without Brakes, Fingers Crossed – Available Now!

“A wall. A doorway. A yawning chasm. A bridge. Unable to see the signs, we race to what lies ahead. Do you surrender, screaming into the darkness? Or summon the strength and courage to endure an uncertain future?”

Thirteen stories from the creative minds of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, including “The Tamarisk Hunter” by Paolo Bacigalupi. Co-edited by Paul Martz and Linda Ditchkus.

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Logo for Alligator Preserves Podcast

The Story Behind Without Brakes

Co-editors Paul Martz and Linda Ditchkus discuss the 2024 RMFW anthology with host and anthology contributor Laurel McHargue on her Alligator Preserves Podcast.

Paper & Wire

Read Paul’s stories and other works. Print and electronic media.

Limbo Rock

Read “Limbo Rock” online at Punk Noir Magazine.

Without Brakes, Fingers Crossed

Without Brakes, Fingers Crossed – The 2024 RMFW anthology, co-edited by Paul Martz and Linda Ditchkus.

More Than Electric Sheep

Read “More Than Electric Sheep” online at Uncharted Magazine.

Wild, Uncivilized Tales

“The Re-creation of Sahmik Ghee” appears in Wild: Uncivilized Tales, also available as an audiobook.

The Day After Christmas

Read “The Day After Christmas” online at Magnets & Ladders.

“Jimmy’s Hat” appears in First Encounters (out of print – contact for availability)

“Strong Interactions” appears in Second Law (out of print – contact for availability)

“Mutations of the RUDL Gene …” appears in Joy to the Worlds (out of print – contact for availability)

Without Brakes, Fingers Crossed—Available Now

There is no better way to improve as a writer than to sit on the other side of the editor’s desk. Linda Ditchkus and I did exactly that when we volunteered to lead RMFW’s 2024 anthology project in early 2023….

More Than Electric Sheep

Celebrate with me! More Than Electric Sheep is now online. In May 2023, Uncharted Magazine announced their AI Flash Challenge. The rules of the contest were straightforward. Write a story in any genre about how we interact with AIs. Stories…