Writing Under Lockdown

I hope this update finds my half-dozen loyal readers healthy and free of COVID-19. In my previous update dated February 27, I thought COVID-19 was something distant and intangible. But for the past three months our lives have turned into a dystopian apocalypse. The Pandemic as Science Fiction For more than a century, stories like … Read more

Publication News!

After writing creatively for two years, I’m happy to have my first blog with the title Publication News. My short story, The Re-creation of Sahmik Ghee, will appear in the 2020 RMFW Wild Anthology. If you just can’t wait a year for the fall 2020 publication date, read through to the end of this blog … Read more

A Summer of Space, Brains, and Writing

At the keyboard

I’ve been writing! In The Re-creation of Sahmik Ghee, a future arctic hunter on a distant planet meets an untimely death. His partner must find a way to bring him back and hold him to his contract. This short story is based on the classic poem The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert W. Service. … Read more

DNA, Facial Recognition, and Notre Dame

I’ve been a writer for 18 months. Where’s my novel? You faithful blog followers deserve an explanation! While my novels are still a future dream, that doesn’t mean I’m idle. Read on to hear about my short stories, poetry, and topics I monitor for future story ideas. Rogan’s Drone and Sam McGee I’ve been creating … Read more

Short Story: The Timesmith

New writers (and even experienced ones) sometimes stare at a blank page or empty text window waiting for inspiration to strike. Many techniques exist to help overcome writers’ block. Today, I’m using something called a writing prompt. According to ThoughtCo.com, a “writing prompt is a brief passage of text (or sometimes an image) that provides … Read more

Embers of War by Gareth L. Powell

How could Sal Konstanz take command of an interstellar warship named Trouble Dog and expect anything less than trouble? Trouble is exactly what she gets in this fun, witty, and intelligent space opera from Gareth L. Powell. Title: Embers of War Author: Gareth L. Powell Publisher: Titan Books, 2018 Audiobook: Blackstone Publishing, 2018 Reading time: … Read more

A Poem: The Thompson River Flows

After retiring from the software industry, I decided to boot a second career as a creative writer. This didn’t seem that difficult. I had extensive technical writing experience, and I took college-level creative writing classes while at University of Michigan. How hard could it be? Turns out, I’ve forgotten everything I’ve learned about writing stories … Read more