Interviewed on Access Radio

Between acting, podcasting, and photography, I have know idea how Amy Amantea has time to put together her weekly Access Radio show, which broadcasts on Vancouver’s Co-op Radio. Each week, Access Radio features an hour-long interview with disabled persons working in the creative arts.

When Amy heard that my flash fiction piece, More Than Electric Sheep, won the Uncharted Magazine AI Flash Challenge contest, she invited me to be her guest on an upcoming broadcast, read my winning story, and chat about writing as a blind author.

Considering I have zero experience being interviewed, I don’t think I said anything too embarrassing. But you be the judge of that. Here’s the recording of the broadcast, which aired October 11, 2023. Next time, I’ve got to remember to sip water while Amy is talking, not wait until my voice is breaking up in the middle of reading my story.